Hi Steve how should I stand to hit the ball properly?

Hi Steve how should I stand to hit the ball properly?
Anonymous asked 9 years ago
1 Answers
Melville Mariners">Melville Mariners Staff answered 9 years ago

Hi there, good question and it takes some practice to get this right. make sure you ask your coach if youre not sure but here’s what I suggest for the new players… 
– have your feet shoulders width apart, be comfortable and balanced
– measure your distance from the ball, holding the bat as if you would hit it with straight arms
– you should be just touching the part of the ball closest to you
– running another bat along your toes will show the direction that the ball will go when hit
– take the bat back and twist your hips so your front shoulder is pointing at the ball
– focus on the ball, small step with the front foot and swing, striking the ball with straight arms, holding the bat tight, swing through the ball (flat) and complete the swing with your back shoulder now pointing at the tee and the bat swung  around your front shoulder. That will ensure you get good rotation and lots of power.
I hope this helps. As you become more confident you can adjust to suit.
Whack ‘em well!
Best, Steve

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